Download MAXQDA 2018.2 Analytics Pro Cracked (Windows & Mac)

MAXQDA is a world-leading software package for qualitative and mixed methods research. It is one of the most comprehensive programs in the field and is used by thousands of researchers in more than 150 countries around the world.

Download MAXQDA 2018.2 Analytics Pro Cracked (Windows & Mac)

MAXQDA helps you collect, organize, analyze, visualize and publish your data. It supports various methodological frameworks, including grounded theory, literature reviews, exploratory market research and qualitative content analyses, giving you maximum flexibility to analyze what you want, the way you want.

MAXQDA also gives you the freedom to analyze an increasingly diverse range of data types. You can import documents, PDF files, tables, images, media files, Twitter tweets, YouTube comments, geo references, bibliographical data, and more – and start analyzing them quickly and easily.

MAXQDA has a high data capacity and can handle more file types than you think, so you can be flexible when it comes to different types of data.

With MAXQDA, you’re prepared for everything. Whether it’s a simple text document, Excel table or PDF file, a picture, audio or video file, an SPSS or bibliographic record, even a tweet or YouTube comments: you can analyze it with MAXQDA! You can even import whole webpages with the MAXQDA Web Collector – as a PDF with searchable text (OCR) or as an image.

Save time by transcribing directly in MAXQDA. You can adjust the playback speed to suit your own tempo, re-listen to passages automatically or even connect a foot-pedal to transcribe even faster. By automatically setting time stamps, you can always jump directly from a point in your transcript to the corresponding point in the original recording and listen back anytime during your analysis.

MAXQDA is also the world’s first QDA program to include additional features for focus group discussions. Different speakers can be automatically recognized, so you can easily compare their contributions, analyze each speaker on her own, and visualize them in a variety of ways.

Group your data into document groups (like classic folders) or assign variables to your documents, i.e. demographic data such as age, gender or place of residence.

Through our simple activation system, you can always quickly access all data by a specific author, or created at a certain time, by pressing a button and saving it as a document set.

Codes are used to break down data into its individual components, i.e. different topics in interviews or even images and video segments. With the retrieval function you can find them quickly and easily.

Choose from millions of available code colors, add weight to important points, and use those feature and many others as filters. Work with emoticons and use shortcuts for the most frequently used codes. Several functions allow automatic coding, i.e. for search results or segments in the retrieval window. And if you want to re-sort your codes, there’s Creative Coding – a unique feature that lets you re-arrange your code system in a two-dimensional working window.

Writing notes and summaries is a fundamental part of everyday research. The memos in MAXQDA are quite similar to classic post-it notes. There are 11 different types and you can place them anywhere: on documents, codes or directly within your data. But thanks to the Memo Manager you won’t lose these memos (unlike post-its!) – and they can also be searched and analyzed.

With our summary grids and summary tables, you can keep summaries of which codes and variables appear in each respective project or document: another level of analysis which means you’ll never lose track of the bigger picture.

With the help of Boolean operators and wildcards, our advanced search function provides everything you might expect from professional data analysis software. And with the integration of retrieval and lemma functions, probably a little bit more.

The activation system for retrieving data segments is surprisingly simple and easy to use. But there’s more that meets the eye: our advanced retrieval gives you a total of 9 further options for finding connections in your data.

Whether for analysis or publication: MAXQDA’s visual tools are tailor-made for qualitative research. Visualize the history of an interview or video with the Document Portrait or Codeline functions, or find out at a glance how often codes appear in certain documents.

Ask your colleagues: MAXQDA is widely considered to be thesoftware for mixed methods research. The reason is that our tools have been developed in close collaboration with the world’s leading experts in this field.

Whether you’re looking for a typology table, a document similarity analysis or joint displays, you’ll find features that enable you to make much more of your qualitative data – and many more than you would find in other QDA programs.

MAXDictio, our module for quantitative text analysis, offers numerous functions for effective quantitative text analysis. You can display frequencies of individual words or word combinations in tables or visualize them in the Interactive Wordtree. By setting up your own “Dictionary” you can investigate your texts with reference to specific words. Or you can use the Keyword-in-Context function to transfer the textual contexts of selected words into a clear table. Lemmatization, the visualization of word frequencies in documents, multiple stop- and go-lists are the just some of the features that make MAXDictio an extra you won’t want to do without.

MAXQDA 2018.2 adds four completely new features:
  • Code Map
This powerful new visualization feature clusters codes on a map to reveal the relationships between codes.
  • Advanced Teamwork Options
The new teamwork tools offer you far more control and many more options for collaborative work on the same project data.
  • Intercoder Agreement for Groups
You can now analyze the differing coding approaches of different coders across multiple documents at once.
  • Group Bar Charts, Histograms, and Box Plots MAXQDA’s statistics module Stats
Visualize crosstab tables as grouped bar charts. Descriptive statistics can now be graphically depicted in box plots or histograms to clearly illustrate the range, mean, and dispersion of quantitative variables.

Download MAXQDA 2018.2 Analytics Pro Cracked

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